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How to write manuscript writing? Key ideas for Ph.D. research scholars

Writer's picture: Writeneed AdminWriteneed Admin

In the journey towards to get the Ph.D. degree, you need to cross the important milestone of publishing your manuscript. At the beginning some people may think is writing a paper is that much important but it needs to be published in your research period. Before start writing your paper think of following things:

  • In my research whether new and interesting things included?

  • What are the challenges related to my work?

  • Is my research is about the recent emerging topic?

  • Whether I have found any solution for problem domain?

For above question, if you get an answer then start preparing your manuscript else find out a solution to the above questions.

You can submit your manuscript to journals, conferences, as letter and magazines; start your manuscript after selecting a target for publication. Once you decided, carefully review with author guidelines to understand the scope of the journal and check whether your manuscript/research paper meet the requirement. Most important thing you remember is the structure of paper format based on target specification. The central things need to remember while writing manuscript is:

Introduction: It needs to be a general outline of your research and provides justification why you focused.

Methods: How you resolve selected problem domain?

Results: What outcome you obtained by your method?

Findings: What are the new things you observed from research?

Conclusion: Summarize your overall findings of research.

Also, keep in mind that reviewer of any journal looks for following things before acceptance:

  • Is the paper contains significant novelty?

  • Whether this paper is up to the scope of journal

  • Is paper is well-organized

  • Are adequate results presented in the paper?

  • Are all figures, tables, and reference cited properly?

  • Content and paper flow organized properly?

After reviewing these things you may receive either major or minor correction else acceptance from the respective submitted journal. In case if you wish to submit your research paper in conference organizes your paper within the specified page limit by the organizer. On whole, you don’t forget to acknowledge the scholars who are all supported your work.

Once passing this milestone you may start with writing your final thesis/dissertation.

Hope it will useful for you.

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